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爱游戏,淀粉糖生产废水高浓度臭气治理工程实例 作者:陈志平1,2,3,宋旭2,4,熊忐利4(1.广州中洲环保科技有限公司,广东广州511400;2.广东中洲环保实业有限公司,广东肇庆526000;3.广东省


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  • English上一篇下一篇PDF下载[1]陈志平,宋旭,熊忐利.淀粉糖出产废水高浓度臭气管理项目实例[J].中国给水排水,2021,37(8):149-148. CHEN Zhi-ping,SONG Xu,XIONG Tan-li.Example of a High Concentration Odor Treatment Project for Starch Sugar Production Wastewater[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(8):149-148.点击复制

    Example of a High Concentration Odor Treatment Project for Starch Sugar Production Wastewater
    CHEN Zhi-ping1,2,3,SONG Xu2,4,XIONG Tan-li4
    (1. Guangzhou Middle Land Environmental Protection Technology Co. Ltd., Guangzhou 511400, China; 2.Guangdong Middle Land Environmental Protection Industrial Co. Ltd., Zhaoqing 526000, China; 3. Guangdong Industrial VOCs and Odor Control Engineering Technology Research Center, Guangzhou 510000, China; 4.Guangdong Nanfang Environmental Protection Biotechnology Co. Ltd., Guangzhou 510000, China)
    starch sugar production wastewater;high concentration odor;biofilter
    某淀粉糖出产企业污水处置站的臭气管理项目处置范围为8 000 m3/h。针对其臭气成份复杂、浓度高的特点,对臭源采取碳钢骨架+氟碳纤膜的体例进行加罩搜集,并采取碱洗+生物过滤的组合工艺对臭气进行处置。成果显示,该组合工艺处置效力高、结果不变,对硫化氢、氨气、臭气浓度的去除率别离到达99%、99%和98%以上,处置后排放的气体知足《恶臭污染物排放尺度》(GB 14554—1993)。该项目投资费用和运转本钱低,可为同类高浓度臭气管理项目设想和实行供给参考。
    The odor treatment project of wastewater treatment station in a starch sugar industrial production enterprise has a treatment capacity of 8 000 m3/h. According to the characteristics of complex odor composition and high odor concentration, the odor source is collected by mean of carbon steel skeleton & fluorocarbon fiber membrane. A combined process of alkaline washing & biofilter was applied to treat the odor. The results show that the combined process has high efficiency and stable effect. The removal rates of H2S, NH3and odor concentration are more than 99%, 99% and 98%, respectively. The emissions could meet Emission Standards for Odor Pollutants (GB 14554-1993). The project has low investment and the operation cost, which could provide reference for the design and implementation of similar high concentration odor project.
    更新日期/Last Update:2021-04-17

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