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爱游戏,在线发生离子色谱法检测水中碘化物等9种指标 作者:曾丽兰1, 雷萍1, 王维康2(1.深圳市水文水质中心,广东 深圳 518055;2.深圳市利源水务设计咨询有限公司,广东 深圳 518030)


焦点提醒:首 页期刊引见编委会投稿须知文章查询学术会议告白合作刊行定阅在线留言English上一篇下一篇PDF下载[1]曾丽兰,雷萍,王维康.在线产生离子色谱法检测水中碘化物等9种目标[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(18):134-138. ZENG Li-lan,LEI Ping,WANG Wei-kang.Online Generation Ion Chromatography for Determination of Nine Indicato中国给水排水2023年中国污水中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事中国给水排水2023年中国污水处理厂中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事在线产生离子色谱法检测水中碘化物等9种目标作者:曾丽兰1, 雷萍1, 王维康2(1.深圳市水文水质中间,广东 深圳 518055;2.深圳市利源水务设想征询无限公司,广东 深圳 518030)PDF下载[1]曾丽兰,雷萍,王维康.在线产生离子色谱法检测水中碘化物等9种目标[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(18):134-138. ZENG Li-lan,LEI Ping,WANG Wei-kang.Online Generation Ion Chromatography for Determination of Nine Indicators Such as Iodide in Water[J].China Water & Wastewater,2022,38(18):134-138.点击复制在线产生离子色谱法检测水中碘化物等9种目标中国给水排水[ISSN:1000-4062/CN:12-1073/TU] 卷: 第38卷 期数: 2022年第18期 页码: 134-138 栏目: 出书日期: 2022-09-17Title:Online Generation Ion Chromatography for Determination of Nine Indicators Such as Iodide in Water作者:曾丽兰1, 雷萍1, 王维康2(1.深圳市水文水质中间,广东 深圳 518055;2.深圳市利源水务设想征询无限公司,广东 深圳 518030)Author(s):ZENG Li-lan1, LEI Ping1, WANG Wei-kang2(1. Shenzhen Hydrology and Water Quality Center, Shenzhen 518055, China; 2. Shenzhen Liyuan Water Design & Consulting Co. Ltd., Shenzhen 518030, China)要害词:饮用水源; 饮用水; 离子色谱法; 碘化物; 草甘膦; 高氯酸盐Keywords:drinking water sources; drinking water; ion chromatography; iodide; glyphosate; perchlorate摘要:针对供水行业高氯酸盐、碘化物等目标检测需求,开辟了可在20 min内检测碘化物、草甘膦、高氯酸盐、溴化物、氟化物、氯化物、硝酸盐氮、硫酸盐和磷酸盐等9种化合物的淋洗液在线产生离子色谱方式。碘化物、草甘膦、高氯酸盐、溴化物检出限别离到达0.002、0.005、0.001、0.004 mg/L,其余5种化合物检出限均知足相干尺度要求。在各目标定量限程度的平均加标收受接管率到达96.3%~104%,相对尺度误差为0.68%~3.79%。该方式简单、活络度高,可实现对饮用水和水源水多目标的高效阐发。利用该方式对南边某市水源水相干目标进行检测的成果注解,碘化物和溴化物在水源水中遍及检出,平均含量别离为0.028 mg/L和0.037 mg/L,个体水库到达高碘程度;高氯酸盐和草甘膦均未检出;氟化物、氯化物、硝酸盐氮、硫酸盐等目标均知足地表水Ⅱ类尺度。对50个水厂出厂水水样进行检测,碘化物、高氯酸盐、草甘膦、溴化物和磷酸盐均未检出,其他目标合适糊口饮用水水质要求。建议存眷水厂供水工艺的碘代和溴代消毒副产品风险。Abstract:To meet the requirements of perchlorate and iodide detection in water supply industry, an online generation ion chromatography method was developed for the detection of nine compounds such as iodide, glyphosate, perchlorate, bromide, fluoride, chloride, nitrate nitrogen, sulfate and phosphate in 20 min. The detection limits of iodide, glyphosate, perchlorate, bromide were 0.002 mg/L, 0.005 mg/L, 0.001 mg/L and 0.004 mg/L, respectively, and those of other five compounds met the requirements of relevant standards. At the quantitative limit level,the average recoveries were 96.3%-104% and the relative standard deviations were 0.68%-3.79%. The method is simple and sensitive, and can be applied to analyze drinking water and source water efficiently. The method was applied to detect the relevant indexes of source water in a city in south China. Iodide and bromide were widely detected in the source water with average concentrations of 0.028 mg/L and 0.037 mg/L, respectively, and high iodine concentration was detected in particular reservoir. Perchlorate and glyphosate were not detected. Fluoride, chloride, nitrate nitrogen, sulfate and other indicators met the limitations specified in surface water class Ⅱ standard. Water samples from 50 waterworks were tested. Iodide, perchlorate, glyphosate, bromide and phosphate were not detected, and other indicators met the requirements specified in drinking water quality standard. It is suggested to pay attention to the risk of iodine and bromine disinfection byproducts in water supply process.类似文献/References:[1]李秀虹,刘则华,林青,等.中日两国自来水水质的主要影响身分周全对照阐发[J].中国给水排水,2018,34(20):24. LI Xiu hong,LIU Ze hua,LIN Qing,et al.Comprehensive Comparison of Important Factors Influencing Drinking Water Quality between China and Japan[J].China Water & Wastewater,2018,34(18):24.[2]李萌萌,梁涛,王真臻,等.日本饮用水水质检测尺度化概述和启迪[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(3):131. LIMeng-meng,LIANGTao,WANGZhen-zhen,et al.Overview and Enlightenment of Standardization of Drinking Water Quality Detection in Japan[J].China Water & Wastewater,2022,38(18):131.[3]侯琮语,李嘉宾,付宛宜,等.臭氧/陶瓷膜-活性炭组合工艺处置农村饮用水中试[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(8):38. HOUCong-yu,LIJia-bin,FUWan-yi,et al.A Combined Ozone/Ceramic Membrane and Activated Carbon Process for Rural Drinking Water Treatment: A Pilot Study[J].China Water & Wastewater,2022,38(18):38.[4]刘梓晶,李红岩,王新,等.荧光光谱-KNN算法用在腐殖酸品种辨认和定量[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(23):56. LIUZi-jing,LIHong-yan,WANGXin,et al.Identification and Quantification of Humic Acid Based on K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm Combined with Fluorescence Spectra[J].China Water & Wastewater,2022,38(18):56.[5]陈晓晨,肖亮,陈之歆,等.给水管网生物不变性研究:近况、挑战与将来[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(10):1. CHENXiao-chen,XIAOLiang,CHENZhi-xin,et al.A Review on the Biological Stability of Drinking Water Distribution System: Current Status, Challenges and Future[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(18):1.[6]肖融,方超,段友丽,等.饮用水中总无机卤素阐发方式的研究进展[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(18):36. XIAORong,FANGChao,DUANYou-li,et al.Research Progress of Total Organic Halogen Analysis in Drinking Water[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(18):36.更新日期/Last Update: 2022-09-17

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  • English上一篇下一篇PDF下载[1]曾丽兰,雷萍,王维康.在线产生离子色谱法检测水中碘化物等9种目标[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(18):134-138. ZENG Li-lan,LEI Ping,WANG Wei-kang.Online Generation Ion Chromatography for Determination of Nine Indicators Such as Iodide in Water[J].China Water & Wastewater,2022,38(18):134-138.点击复制

    Online Generation Ion Chromatography for Determination of Nine Indicators Such as Iodide in Water
    曾丽兰1, 雷萍1, 王维康2
    (1.深圳市水文水质中间,广东 深圳 518055;2.深圳市利源水务设想征询无限公司,广东 深圳 518030)
    ZENG Li-lan1, LEI Ping1, WANG Wei-kang2
    (1. Shenzhen Hydrology and Water Quality Center, Shenzhen 518055, China; 2. Shenzhen Liyuan Water Design & Consulting Co. Ltd., Shenzhen 518030, China)
    drinking water sources;drinking water;ion chromatography;iodide;glyphosate;perchlorate
    针对供水行业高氯酸盐、碘化物等目标检测需求,开辟了可在20 min内检测碘化物、草甘膦、高氯酸盐、溴化物、氟化物、氯化物、硝酸盐氮、硫酸盐和磷酸盐等9种化合物的淋洗液在线产生离子色谱方式。碘化物、草甘膦、高氯酸盐、溴化物检出限别离到达0.002、0.005、0.001、0.004 mg/L,其余5种化合物检出限均知足相干尺度要求。在各目标定量限程度的平均加标收受接管率到达96.3%~104%,相对尺度误差为0.68%~3.79%。该方式简单、活络度高,可实现对饮用水和水源水多目标的高效阐发。利用该方式对南边某市水源水相干目标进行检测的成果注解,碘化物和溴化物在水源水中遍及检出,平均含量别离为0.028 mg/L和0.037 mg/L,个体水库到达高碘程度;高氯酸盐和草甘膦均未检出;氟化物、氯化物、硝酸盐氮、硫酸盐等目标均知足地表水Ⅱ类尺度。对50个水厂出厂水水样进行检测,碘化物、高氯酸盐、草甘膦、溴化物和磷酸盐均未检出,其他目标合适糊口饮用水水质要求。建议存眷水厂供水工艺的碘代和溴代消毒副产品风险。
    To meet the requirements of perchlorate and iodide detection in water supply industry, an online generation ion chromatography method was developed for the detection of nine compounds such as iodide, glyphosate, perchlorate, bromide, fluoride, chloride, nitrate nitrogen, sulfate and phosphate in 20 min. The detection limits of iodide, glyphosate, perchlorate, bromide were 0.002 mg/L, 0.005 mg/L, 0.001 mg/L and 0.004 mg/L, respectively, and those of other five compounds met the requirements of relevant standards. At the quantitative limit level,the average recoveries were 96.3%-104% and the relative standard deviations were 0.68%-3.79%. The method is simple and sensitive, and can be applied to analyze drinking water and source water efficiently. The method was applied to detect the relevant indexes of source water in a city in south China. Iodide and bromide were widely detected in the source water with average concentrations of 0.028 mg/L and 0.037 mg/L, respectively, and high iodine concentration was detected in particular reservoir. Perchlorate and glyphosate were not detected. Fluoride, chloride, nitrate nitrogen, sulfate and other indicators met the limitations specified in surface water class Ⅱ standard. Water samples from 50 waterworks were tested. Iodide, perchlorate, glyphosate, bromide and phosphate were not detected, and other indicators met the requirements specified in drinking water quality standard. It is suggested to pay attention to the risk of iodine and bromine disinfection byproducts in water supply process.


    [1]李秀虹,刘则华,林青,等.中日两国自来水水质的主要影响身分周全对照阐发[J].中国给水排水,2018,34(20):24.LI Xiu hong,LIU Ze hua,LIN Qing,et al.Comprehensive Comparison of Important Factors Influencing Drinking Water Quality between China and Japan[J].China Water & Wastewater,2018,34(18):24.[2]李萌萌,梁涛,王真臻,等.日本饮用水水质检测尺度化概述和启迪[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(3):131.LIMeng-meng,LIANGTao,WANGZhen-zhen,et al.Overview and Enlightenment of Standardization of Drinking Water Quality Detection in Japan[J].China Water & Wastewater,2022,38(18):131.[3]侯琮语,李嘉宾,付宛宜,等.臭氧/陶瓷膜-活性炭组合工艺处置农村饮用水中试[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(8):38.HOUCong-yu,LIJia-bin,FUWan-yi,et al.A Combined Ozone/Ceramic Membrane and Activated Carbon Process for Rural Drinking Water Treatment: A Pilot Study[J].China Water & Wastewater,2022,38(18):38.[4]刘梓晶,李红岩,王新,等.荧光光谱-KNN算法用在腐殖酸品种辨认和定量[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(23):56.LIUZi-jing,LIHong-yan,WANGXin,et al.Identification and Quantification of Humic Acid Based on K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm Combined with Fluorescence Spectra[J].China Water & Wastewater,2022,38(18):56.[5]陈晓晨,肖亮,陈之歆,等.给水管网生物不变性研究:近况、挑战与将来[J].中国����Ϸapp给水排水,2023,39(10):1.CHENXiao-chen,XIAOLiang,CHENZhi-xin,et al.A Review on the Biological Stability of Drinking Water Distribution System: Current Status, Challenges and Future[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(18):1.[6]肖融,方超,段友丽,等.饮用水中总无机卤素阐发方式的研究进展[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(18):36.XIAORong,FANGChao,DUANYou-li,et al.Research Progress of Total Organic Halogen Analysis in Drinking Water[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(18):36.

    更新日期/Last Update:2022-09-17

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