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爱游戏,典型全氟化合物污染现状及其处理技术研究进展 作者:许罗1, 林秋风2, 李聪1, 魏郭子建1, 计杰1(1.上海理工大学 环境与建筑学院,上海 200093;2.蒙特克莱尔州立大学,美国)


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  • English上一篇下一篇PDF下载[1]许罗,林金风抽丰,李聪,等.典型全氟化合物污染近况和其处置手艺研究进展[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(10):56-62. XULuo,LINQiu-feng,LICong,et al.Current Situation of Typical Perfluorinated Compounds Pollution and Its Treatment Technology Progress[J].China Water & Wastewater,2022,38(10):56-62.点击复制

    Current Situation of Typical Perfluorinated Compounds Pollution and Its Treatment Technology Progress
    许罗1, 林金风抽丰2, 李聪1, 魏郭子建1, 计杰1
    (1.上海理工年夜学 情况与建筑学院,上海 200093;2.蒙特克莱尔州立年夜学,美国)
    XU Luo1, LIN Qiu-feng2, LI Cong1, WEI Guo-zi-jian1, JI Jie1
    (1. School of Environment and Architecture, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China; 2. Montclair State University, USA)
    perfluorinated compounds(PFCs);perfluorooctanoate(PFOA);perfluorooctane sulfonate(PFOS);persistent organic pollutant
    全氟化合物(Perfluorinated compounds,PFCs)是一类新型无机污染物,因为具有情况污染持久性、远距离运输性和生物毒性等,最近几年来遭到普遍存眷。为了更好地应对PFCs所带来的情况风险,总结了PFCs中利用最为普遍的全氟辛酸(Perfluorooctanoate,PFOA)和全氟辛烷磺酸(Perfluorooctane sulfonate,PFOS)在水情况中的污染近况。同时较为周全地引见了今朝PFOA与PFOS的处置手艺和其道理和优错误谬误。按照尝试数据的阐发,保举利用离子互换树脂去除ng/L级此外PFOS。今朝微生物法尚不成熟,虽然吸附法和氧化法去除率较高,在TiO2/VUV(pH=4)的系统中PFOA的降解率和脱氟率别离到达了98.3%和52.4%,但仍具有脱氟率较低的问题。若何提高脱氟率也是将来的一个研究标的目的,制订检测、管控相干的法令政策和开辟易降解的替换品是节制PFCs污染的要害。
    As a type of emerging organic pollutants, perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) have been widely concerned in recent years due to their long-term environmental pollution, long-distance transportation and biological toxicity. To deal with the environmental risks caused by PFCs, the pollution situation in water environment of the two most widely used PFCs: Perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) and Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) were comprehensively summarized. In addition, the treatment technology and its mechanism, advantages and disadvantages of PFOA and PFOS were discussed. According to the analysis of experimental data, ion exchange resin can be recommended for the removal of ng/L PFOS. At present, microbiological methods are not yet mature. Although the removal rates of adsorption and oxidation treatment technologies are higher, the degradation rate and defluorination rate of PFOA in the TiO2/VUV (pH=4) system can reach 98.3% and 52.4%, respectively. The defluorination rate is relatively low. Improving the defluorination rate has become a new research point in the future. Formulating detection and control laws and developing degradable substitutes are key points to control PFCs pollution.


    [1]韩宗朔,郑晓英,徐智,等.全氟辛酸对好氧颗粒污泥机能的影响[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(13):109.HANZong-shuo,ZHENGXiao-ying,XUZhi,et al.Effects of Perfluorooctanoic Acid on Characteristics of Aerobic Granular Sludge[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(10):109.

    更新日期/Last Update:2022-05-17

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