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爱游戏,汩鸿(上海)环保工程设备有限公司是由深圳中投控股和德国水泰和水科技有限公司(Steinhardt GmbH)在上海投资兴建的一家中德合资企业,致力于海绵城市建设及雨洪管理相关工艺研发与设备制造。


焦点提醒:汩鸿(上海)环保项目装备无限公司是由深圳中投控股和德国水泰和水科技无限公司(Steinhardt GmbH)在上海投资兴修的一家中德合伙企业,努力在海绵城市扶植和雨洪治理相干工艺研发与装备制造。 中国给水排水2024年污水处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第八届)邀请函暨征稿启事中国给水排水2024年污水处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第八届)邀请函暨征稿启事汩鸿(上海)环保项目装备无限公司是由深圳中投控股和德国水泰和水科技无限公司(Steinhardt GmbH)在上海投资兴修的一家中德合伙企业,努力在海绵城市扶植和雨洪治理相干工艺研发与装备制造。(1)住建部《城市黑臭水体整治----排水口、管道和查抄井管理手艺指南》参编企业。(2)黑臭水系统统处理方案分析办事商。(3)专注在中国雨洪治理装备研发和出产。(4)努力在将德国雨污水分析治理手艺利用在中国。德国手艺,中国制造汩鸿(上海)环保项目装备无限公司是中国市场具有德国水泰和(Steinhardt)专利的企业和制造商,秉持德国制造业精华,专业出产合适中国市场需求,对标德国精工质量的市政水处置装备,努力在德国手艺的国产化出产和制造。安身上海,办事全国依托上海怪异的劣势,德国水泰和(Steinhardt)在素有“教化之城、礼乐之城”佳誉的上海嘉定设立出产和手艺开辟基地。截止今朝,汩鸿(上海)环保项目装备无限公司出产和制造的德国水泰和水处置装备已普遍利用在北京、上海、广州、深圳、嘉兴、福州、武汉、昆明、石家庄、长春等城市的城市水体管理中,包罗上海世博园区、上海迪士尼、上海虹桥污水处置厂等在内的数十个城市管网项目投入利用年并成功运转至今。中西合璧,联袂双赢从成立伊始,汩鸿(上海)环保项目装备无限公司就秉持两边投资公司的优异质量,践行“精工、立异、出色与国际化”理念,其意义不但仅在在强强联手,而是更好地论述了“中西合璧”的双赢之路,是中德企业合作的典型。绿水青山,是留给子孙的财富,也是我们要尽力庇护的,而且使真正成为造福子孙万代的金山银山。在当前“经济内轮回”款式中,在国度鼎力鞭策“海绵城市”扶植的年夜布景下,汩鸿(上海)环保项目装备无限公司肩负着伟年夜的汗青任务,有着广漠的市场前景!Guhong (Shanghai) Environmental Engineering Equipment Co., Ltd. is a joint venture between China and Germany invested and built by Shenzhen CIC holding group and Steinhardt GmbH in Shanghai and is committed to the research and development of product solutions for sponge city constructions and rain flood management.(1)Participating enterprise acting as advisor for of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development for the official release of the "Urban Black and Odorous Water Remediation-Technical Guidelines for Treatment of Drainage Outlets, Pipelines and Inspection Wells".(2)Integrated service provider of black and odorous water system solutions.(3)Focus on the research and development and production of rain and flood management equipment in China.(4)We are committed to the application of German rainwater and sewage integrated management technology in China.German technology, made in ChinaGuhong is an enterprise and manufacturer with Steinhardt patent in China. Adhering to the essence of German manufacturing, specializing in the production of municipal water treatment equipment that meets the needs of the Chinese market according to German quality standards. The localized production and manufacturing of German technology represents the advanced level of manufacturing in China to participate in the division of labor.Base����Ϸappd in Shanghai and serving the whole countryRelying on Shanghai's unique advantages, the German company Steinhardt established a production and technology development base in Jiading, Shanghai, which is known as the "City of Education and Culture".Up to now, Steinhardt’s locally produced and manufactured products in China by Guhong has been widely used in the urban water treatment of first and second tier big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Jiaxing, Fuzhou, Wuhan, Kunming, Shijiazhuang, Changchun, etc Dozens of urban pipe network projects have been put into use for years and have been successfully operated up to now.Combine Chinese and western, win togetherSince its establishment, Guhong has been adhering to the excellent quality of both parent companies, practicing the concept of "precision, innovation, excellence and internationalization",Its significance is not only to join forces, but also to better elaborate the win-win road of "combining the strength of East meets West ", which is a model of Sino German enterprise cooperation.Green waters and green mountains are the wealth left for our children and grandchildren, and we should strive to protect them and make them truly the golden mountains and silver mountains that will benefit the future generations. In the current "economic internal circulation" pattern, under the background of the country vigorously promoting the construction of "sponge city", Guhong shoulders a great historical mission and has a broad market prospect!

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